NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Land Use & Development Commission of the City of Chubbuck, Idaho, will conduct a Public Hearing at 6:00 pm on July 9, 2024 at Chubbuck City Council Chambers, 290 East Linden Ave., Chubbuck, Idaho. Public hearings will be held with respect to the following items:
- A petition by City of Chubbuck City staff to update several sections of City Code: Title 18, Land Use, regarding new definitions in the title and clarifying current definitions; CLARIFYING standards for building setbacks; and REVISING standards for accessory structures. Title 18.06, Definitions, revising definitions of an accessory structure, and front, rear, and side yards, and adding definitions for corner lot, flag lot, and irregular lot; and title 18.08.042, Schedule of general controls; regulations, clarifying setbacks FOR PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES; and title 18.12.030, Supplemental controls for particular uses, REVISING standards for accessory structures.
- A petition by City of Chubbuck City staff to update City Code: Title 18, Land Use, in response to the recently adopted statute regarding annexations by cities. Title 18.28.060 amending the definition of implied consent; amending the classifications, notice requirements and procedures for annexations; amending city authority in annexing railroad rights-of-way; and adding standards for annexing properties receiving city services.
Written testimony must be received by at least 7 days prior to the hearing, shall comply with standards established in City resolution 2021-06. A complete description of each item is available to the public on request to Commission packets are generally available the week before the meeting at or are available by contacting the City Clerk. Any and all persons may register comments, protests, or agreements on the hearing subjects being considered. Oral testimony concerning these proposals may be offered at the public hearing. Commission may limit oral testimony.
Any person needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting should contact the City Clerk, Joey Bowers at at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Joey Bowers, City Clerk
Publish: June 22, 2024