Streets & Sanitation

Streets & Sanitation Departments

The City of Chubbuck Streets Department spends most of the warm weather months either directly repairing City streets or coordinating major road construction projects with independant contractors.  We always try to get these jobs completed with a minimum of inconvenience to motorists, but some delays and detours are unavoidable.  

Street Department Vision Statement

To help maintain a clean and safe environment for the citizens of Chubbuck.

The top function of the Street Department is to maintain all streets in reference to potholes and deterioration.  The second prioritized function of Streets Department is to maintain the curb inlet and drainage fixtures in the City.  Other responsibilities of Street Department include sweeping all city streets, installing and maintaining all of City street names, stop signs, speed limits, etc.

Compared to other types of intersections, roundabouts have demonstrated safety benefits.

  • More than 90% reduction in fatalities*
  • Up to 76% reduction in injuries*
  • Up to 35% reduction in all crashes*
  • Slower speeds are safer for pedestrians

* These statistics and images are provided by the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. For more detailed information, download their roundabout brochure or visit their website here

Roundabouts also have a large number of very positive environmental impacts:

  • Less pollution due to fewer stops, starts and idling time
  • Less power consumption due to no signal equipment
  • Often need less pavement and right of way area
  • Quieter operation than traditional intersections
  • More aesthetically pleasing and efficient
  • Roundabout intersections are also friendlier to both pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Pedestrians should walk around the outside, while bicycles flow with motorized traffic.

City Code calls for strict parking restrictions during what we call a “snow emergency”. When a “snow emergency” is declared, it will be widely publicized. A “snow emergency” will also be automatically placed into effect at any time in which the snow depth on the street has reached an accumulation of three inches or more. During a “snow emergency”, all vehicle parking on streets is prohibited between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. The parking prohibition remains in effect until either the “snow emergency” is lifted, or the street is finally cleared of snow to the gutters.

The city has a responsibility to keep the streets as safe as practical for the driving public. Through our ordinances and policies, we strive to do that. We do not have the resources to be responsible for keeping your mail boxes and individual driveways open. We feel that the property owner must take that responsibility. The special centralized delivery box units available through the U. S. Postal Service do provide an option for mail delivery even under these conditions.

We would welcome hearing your comments and concerns. You can contact us via phone at 237-2430 or you can notify us online.

Procedure & Rules Regarding Snow Removal From Your Streets

Winter snows cause many problems for not only the traveling public, but also those city employees trying to remove it from the street. We do our best to remove the snow as quickly and efficiently as possible, given our crews and equipment. We would like to take this opportunity to remind you and clarify some aspects of our snow removal policy.

When a storm occurs or begins during off-duty hours (as most storms do), the police notify the maintenance men or crews on call to respond and begin removing snow. We have developed over the years, a list of trouble spots that need either first or frequent attention. Our people respond to these places first. Once those locations are plowed and sanded, they go on through the remainder of the city in a systematic manner, beginning with arterials and collectors, and plow open the streets.

The first trip through the city is only an effort to open streets, permitting two-way traffic and access by emergency vehicles. As time permits, which is usually after the storm, the crews follow through the entire city and plow snow from gutter to gutter. Vehicles that remain on the street during this process cause problems not only for themselves, but also create a safety hazard for plow operators and the traveling public as they try to negotiate around piles of snow left by plows going around those parked vehicles.

Please remove all recreational vehicles and other unnecessary vehicles from the street. Those vehicles that you find necessary to park in the street should also be removed at least during regular working hours.

When the city plows the entire street, we will attempt to deposit the snow in the gutter with as little snow as possible on the sidewalk. If you want to avoid shoveling out your driveway any more than necessary, you should wait until the city plows the street to the gutter before doing your driveway. Remember that snow from your sidewalks and driveways should be placed on your yard and not in the street. Also, place the snow taken from the curb portion of your driveway on the right side of the driveway as you face the street. Since the snowplow travels across the driveway from left to right, placing the snow on the right will keep the plow from putting it right back into the drive.

For more information about Anit-Icing, click here.

Ryan Sullivan
Streets/Sanitation Superintendent
Phone:  208.237.2430 Ext. 162




Sanitation Vision Statement

The City of Chubbuck Sanitation Division is committed to protecting public health and safety while providing reliable service rendered with professionalism.

The Sanitation Division is committed to providing curb-side waste services and commercial services of the highest quality, delivered with pride to our customers while supporting the City of Chubbuck vision to create a sustainable future for generations to come.


Chubbuck Garbage Collection Information

The City of Chubbuck Sanitation Department is in charge of collecting and hauling solid waste and recyclables from both residential and commercial properties to help maintain a clean and safe environment for the citizens of Chubbuck. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Collection will be changed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Collection for these holidays will be one day late.




In general, remember that garbage collection carts are the property of the City of Chubbuck and are provided to you on a rental basis. Any items that are too large to fit in a collection container must be appropriately disposed of by the property owner. Refuse that spills from or is left beside the collection container will not be collected and is the responsibility of the resident.


  • Place all of your trash inside the cart
  • Keep the lid closed at all times
  • Place the cart as close to the curb as possible on collection day at 7:00 am
  • Remove the cart from the roadside when empty
  • Read instructions for collection day schedules in your neighborhood
  • Use toe hold at the bottom of the cart to ease tilting of loaded cart


  • Put hazardous waste, paint cans, oil, hot ashes or flammables in the cart
  • Put residential or commercial construction debris in the cart
  • Overfill the cart or pack garbage tightly into the cart
  • Paint, write on or in any other way vandalize or alter the cart
  • Remove the cart from your residence for any reason
  • Obstruct collection of your cart by parking vehicles too close

(Previously Free Dumpster/Freebie Program)

The City of Chubbuck is still offering this service but at a reduced rate and only charging County disposal fees.

Homeowners in Chubbuck can take advantage of this service once a year. Apartment and commercial buildings are exempt. Chubbuck residents can choose either a dumpster or a roll-off container. There are more restrictions on the dumpsters because the truck that empties them must be able to compact the material. The Roll-Off container can haul things like tree stumps, sheet rock, furniture and mattresses.

The Sanitation Department will deliver the dumpster or container between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. If you are scheduled for a Monday or Wednesday delivery day you will have the dumpster or container for approx. 24 hours. If you schedule on Friday the dumpster or container will be picked up Monday morning. Please contact City Hall for available dates.

Requesting a Dumpster/Container:

  • Fill out all required fields on the form
  • Begin typing your address in “Delivery Address” and choose from the suggested addresses that pop-up
  • For “Utility Billing Account Number” type your complete account number located on your utility bill, including any numbers after the period. E.g. “123456.01”
  • To request the 15-yard container, 
  • To request a 3-yard container,
  • For additional dates for a 3-yard container,
  • Garbage Cart Replacement

Once it’s been verified that you are eligible for this service you will receive an email, usually within a couple of minutes after submitting the form.

3 cubic yards (typical for most homes)- $10 Landfill Fee

  • Items that are allowed in the dumpster have to be compactable.
  • Contents cannot be higher than the top of the dumpster.
  • No building materials, wood, rocks, dirt, sod or concrete.
  • No hazardous waste such as: Freon, antifreeze, oil, liquid paint, chemicals, etc.
  • No tires or batteries.
  • No freezers, refrigerators, or other appliances.

15-Yard Roll-Off Container- $35 per ton Landfill Fee

  • Contents cannot be higher than the top of the container.
  • No hazardous waste such as: Freon, antifreeze, oil, liquid paint, chemicals, etc.
  • No tires or batteries.
  • Appliances need to be on the gate end of the container.
  • Items with Freon will be charged actual disposal cost set by landfill. That fee will need to be paid when the container is reserved.

Residential garbage carts are collected once per week. Place carts on the curb no earlier than 6:00 p.m. the day before and no later than 7:00 a.m. on the collection day to ensure collection.

Due to a multitude of factors (staffing, truck issues, construction, etc.) drivers may not always arrive at your home at the same time every day. If your garbage has not been serviced by 3:00pm, then please call and let us know.

Cart Fees:

1st Cart $18.50

Each additional cart $11.84

Unscheduled empty $8.66


Add Garbage Cart Replacement link from clean up connection tab


  • Place all of your trash inside the cart
  • Ensure the lid will close entirely
  • Bag trash to reduce litter
  • Place the cart as close to the curb as possible on collection day by 7:00 am
  • Remove the cart from the roadside when empty
  • Read instructions for collection day schedules in your neighborhood
  • Place carts 3-5 feet from other carts, parked vehicles, mailboxes, and other obstacles


  • Put hazardous waste, paint cans, oil, hot ashes or flammables in the cart
  • Put residential or commercial construction debris in the cart
  • Overfill the cart or pack garbage tightly into the cart
  • Paint, write on or in any other way vandalize or alter the cart
  • Remove the cart from your residence for any reason
  • Obstruct collection of your cart by parking vehicles too close

Garbage collection carts are the property of the City of Chubbuck and are provided to you on a rental basis. Lost or intentionally damaged carts will be assessed a cart replacement fee. This includes painting and/or stickering.

Any items that are too large to fit in a collection container must be appropriately disposed of by the property owner. Refuse that spills from or is left beside the collection container will not be collected and is the responsibility of the resident.

The City of Chubbuck offers recycling services to any resident who wishes to participate.

  • Each recycling cart will have a charge of $5.00 per month for this service.
  • Recycling carts are emptied every other Tuesday either on A-Day (East Chubbuck:see map )  or B-Day (West Chubbuck: see map).
  • Please have your cart/carts at the curb by 7:00a.m. on the morning of your scheduled pickup.
  • ***No grass clippings in recycle container***
  • For a list of acceptable materials, click here.

To Sign up complete the form below:

Recycle Sign Up

Temporary 3-Yard Container

These containers can be used for home projects and temporary trash removal.

  • $.52 per day rental
  • $22.96 per dump or removal

Deliveries, removals, and dumps are completed sometime between 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and cannot be scheduled for a specific time.

Requests received by 12:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and before 11:30 on Friday may be completed the same day, otherwise will be completed the following business day.

  • Container must be placed on the street unless a Private Property Release of Liability waiver is signed by the property owner.
  • Refrigerators, freezers, air-conditioning units, items with Freon, hazardous waste, and tires are NOT ALLOWED in container.
  • Due to weight restrictions, if filling the container with dirt or sod, only fill a quarter full
  • All items need to be small enough to fit in the container, and the lid must be able to close. Larger items should be cut down to 2′ lengths.
  • DO NOT MOVE CONTAINER – $25 fee if the container is moved from delivery placement.

***No Furniture, No Mattresses***


First month pre-payment required 


Container size, yards

Service per week

Total cost

Extra Empty


















































Requests received by 12:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday and before 11:30 on Friday may be completed the same day.

Deliveries, removals, and dumps are completed sometime between 6:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. and cannot be scheduled for a specific time.

  • 8-yard dumpsters are for restaurant use only
  • Pre-Scheduled automatic empties available
  • Additional one-time empties available
  • Refrigerators, freezers, air-conditioning units, items with Freon, hazardous waste, and tires are NOT ALLOWED in containers.
  • All items need to be small enough to fit in the containers, and the lids must be able to close. Larger items should be cut down to 3′ lengths.
  • Due to weight restrictions, if filling the container with dirt or sod, only fill a quarter full. 
  • No rocks, no concrete.


***No Furniture, No Mattresses***


Leaf Pick-Up:

  • Leaf pick dates October 7th thru November 25th
  • Call Utility Billing at 208-417-7175 to be put on the schedule.
  • Leaves are picked up on Mondays only.
  • Leaf pick-up begins the first Monday in November and ends last Monday in November.
  • Leaves need to be bagged and placed at the edge of your property.


Christmas Tree Pick-Up:

  • Trees will be picked up daily (Monday through Friday) for 2 weeks after Christmas.
  • Trees should be placed at the edge of your property.


Extra Christmas Trash:

  • Extra Christmas trash pickup December 26th thru December 31st
  • Containers will be placed at City Hall (290 E. Linden) and the Police Station (5160 Yellowstone) for one week following Christmas.
  • Containers are for overflow trash only.
  • Please don’t put extra garbage next to residential container – it will not be picked up.


Free Clean-up Day:

Clean-up Day is held in conjunction with Bannock County Landfill’s free dump day. The City will provide containers at Capell Park (5290 Diamon Circle), for residents to dispose of their yard and household waste instead of driving to the landfill. Free Clean-up days are:

  • May 18, 2024
  • October 19, 2024

As a service to single-family homes in Chubbuck the City offers a free tree limb chipping service. This service is for yearly tree branch/brush maintenance and should not be used as a tree removal service.  

Residents that would like to take advantage of the branch chipping service should bring their branches to Capell Park (5246 Park Lawn Dr.) on the following dates between 8:00am and 12:00pm (noon).                    

  • April 6th
  • April 13th
  • April 20th
  • April 27th
  • May 4th
  • May 11th
  • May 18th

Free Clean-up and Branch Chipping Days are: May 18, 2024 and October 19, 2024

Acceptable branches must be no more than 6” in diameter at the base of the cut.

1500 N. Fort Hall Mine Road


2024 Free Days Fort Hall Mine Landfill:

  • May 18th
  • July 20th 
  • October 19th

2024 Household Hazardous Waste Days (9am-3pm):

  • April 6th
  • May 4th
  • June 1st
  • July 6th
  • August 3rd
  • September 7th
  • October 5th

Chubbuck residents can take advantage of this service one time per year only. Apartments and commercial buildings are exempt. Residents can choose either a 3-yard container or a 15-yard roll-off container, on a first come, first served basis. There are more restrictions on 3-yard containers because the truck that empties them must be able to compact the material. Roll-off containers only can haul things like tree stumps, sheet rock, furniture and mattresses.

Once approved, the Sanitation Department will deliver the container between 7:00am and 2:00pm on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. Deliveries are not available on holidays. If you are scheduled for a Monday or Wednesday delivery you will have the dumpster or container for approximately 24 hours. If your container is delivered on a Friday it will be picked up Monday morning. Please sign up below or contact City Hall for available dates.

To sign up for a 3 yard container click here

  • Fill out all required fields on the form
  • Begin typing your address in “Delivery Address” and choose from the suggested addresses that pop-up
  • For “Utility Billing Account Number” type your complete account number located on your utility bill, including any numbers after the period. E.g. “123456.01”


For additional available dates for a 3-yard container click here


To sign up for a 15-yard container click here

Once it’s been verified that you are eligible for this service you will receive an email, usually within a couple of minutes after submitting the form.

Containers must be placed on the street unless a Private Property Release of Liability waiver is signed by the property owner.


3-cubic yard container (typical for most homes), $10 Landfill Fee

  • Items MUST be compactable.
  • Contents cannot be higher than the top of the dumpster and lid must close completely.
  • No building materials, wood, rocks, dirt, sod or concrete.
  • No hazardous waste such as: Freon, antifreeze, oil, liquid paint, chemicals, etc.
  • No tires or batteries.
  • No freezers, refrigerators, or other appliances.
  • DO NOT MOVE CONTAINER – $25 fee if the container is moved from delivery placement.


15-yard roll-off container, $35 per ton Landfill Fee

  • No hazardous waste such as: Freon, antifreeze, oil, liquid paint, chemicals, etc.
  • No tires or batteries.
  • No freezers, refrigerators, or other appliances.
  • Lid must close completely.


***No Furniture, No Mattresses***


Some Friendly Reminders from the City of Chubbuck Sanitation Department

  • Please leave at least 3 feet of clearance around your cart/carts. Remember to keep clear of parked cars, fences, mailboxes, basketball & overhead obstructions.
  • Do not put grass clippings in your recycle cart.
  • Please remember for health, sanitary and litter control reasons, all garbage and recycling items must be in the cart with the lid completely closed.
  • Please have your cart/carts at the curb by 7:00a.m. on the morning of your scheduled pickup.
  • Due to a multitude of factors (staffing, truck issues, construction, etc.) drivers may not always arrive at your home at the same time every day. If your garbage has not been serviced by 3:00pm, then please call and let us know.


Current Road Conditions


Idaho Dept. of Transportation


Federal Hwy Commission


Bannock County Planning


Hours of Operation

City Hall Lobby Hours
Monday thru Thursday 7:30am-5:30pm

Friday 7:30am-11:30am


City Hall / Mayor's Office

(208) 237-2400
290 East Linden Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202



Inspections / Permits

(208) 417-7176
290 East Linden Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202


Public Works Yard

(208) 237-2430
175 Park Lawn
Chubbuck, ID 83202


Police Station

(208) 237-7172
5160 Yellowstone Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202


Utility Billing

(208) 417-7175
290 East Linden Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202


Public Works

(208) 237-2430
290 East Linden Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202


Fire Station

(208) 237-3212
4727 Yellowstone Ave.
Chubbuck, ID 83202